Nothing to tension. Nothing to adjust.
Nothing to lose.
Go strapless
Gemini Marine Products proudly introduces the strapless bimini – the frame stands on rigid back legs, and a pair of GemLock folding struts push the end frames apart, giving you ultra clean lines and superb access.
Now you have:
- More room to move about in comfort
- Protection from sun and rain with fewer hassles
- Clear access to your cockpit
- No interference with winches or dodger
- Storage as easy as popping the patented GemLock hinges and folding the top back onto its support legs.
Job done.

It’s easy
*NEW* strapless bimini conversion kits have exactly what you need
We offer a variety of kits that have all the hardware you need to convert your bimini to strapless today.
Buy your strapless bimini conversion kit and pay securely now from our order page.
Perfect for DIY boat owners and canvas shops alike, all kits come with parts to fit either 7/8″ or 1″ tubing. Other options include:
- Strapless bimini kits with split side mounts in 3′ and 6′ lengths.
- Strapless bimini kits with sliding side mounts in 3′ and 6′ lengths.
Don’t forget: Our simple strapless conversion guide with instructions and photos to help you get the job done right. Phone us any time for help and advice on your order.